Oleg Mađor, cofounder of MONTAЖ$TROJ, athlete of the heart, has left us on October 19, 2019 at the age of 52. In the spring of 1989, Oleg came up with the name MONTAЖ$TROJ, a Croatian neologism, “a machine for the montage of attractions.” Together with Borut Šeparović, he wrote the initial real-aggressive manifesto which charted the course for the development of the collective’s artistic activity through a 5-year action plan titled THEATRALIZATION OF FOOTBALL CULTURE (1989 – 1994). The plan encompassed not only the medium of theatre, but every correlated medium that the “collective subject of cultural manufacture” engaged in as well. The focus of the collective’s interest was the prevalent mass consumer culture and its phenomena: politics, sports, entertainment, pop music, violence, movies, pornography, glamour…
Oleg Mađor was the dramaturge for the collective’s first full-length performance about Prometheus the Fire-Bearer titled FIRE-TECHNICS (1990). He worked on the dramaturgy, text and libretto for the 1991 performance RAP OPERA 101 about Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov, the man who developed the assault rifle. He was the originator and dramaturge of the project EVERYBODY GOES TO DISCO FROM MOSCOW TO SAN FRANCISCO (1994) which took MONTAЖ$TROJ on a world tour.
We were connected through the struggle for beauty without god and truth about ourselves. Had it not been for Oleg and his impact, not only would MONTAЖ$TROJ not be what is it today but it would never have existed.