DAMN HIS COUNTRY TRAITOR is a line from what used to be former Yugoslavia’s hymn, and the name of Oliver Frljić’s author project in the production of the Slovenian Youth Theater from Ljubljana. The dramaturgy of the play was executed by Borut Šeparović and Tomaž Toporišić. The play speaks of life and death, love and hatred portraying the social reality of the Slovenian society through a prism of nationalism and xenophobia.
Author and direction: Oliver Frljić / Dramaturgy: Borut Šeparović and Tomaž Toporišić / Assistant director: Matjaž Farič / Performers: Primož Bezjak, Uroš Kaurin, Boris Kos, Uroš Maček, Matje Recer, Dario Varga, Matija Vastl, Olga Grad, Draga Potočnjak, Romana Šalehar / Sound design: Silvo Zupančić / Lighting design: Oliver Frljić and Tomaž Štrucl / Stage and costume design: Oliver Frljić / Lighting technician: Tomaž Štrucl / Sound technician: Silvo Zupančić / Stage manager: Urša Červ / Executive producer: Tina Malič / Production: Slovenian Youth Theater