Beginning with the famous short story "A Tomb for Boris Davidovich" by Danilo Kiš and Heiner Müller’s text "Mauzer", the play MAUSER gradually grows distant from its literary foundations in order to establish a possible hero of today. MAUSER erases the lines between fiction and reality, ideology and power according to the cannons of the pseudo-documentary theater. Four actors create a moderating team which directs and leads the visitors of the theater in a joint effort to establish an unknown biography.
MAUSER is a play about the construction and deconstruction of biographies of revolutionaries and their destinies, as well as a journey through the past twenty years of Croatian history that attempts to answer to many open and seemingly inscrutable issues of Croatian society. From this detective game emerges the character of General Ante Gotovina, with all the illogicalities and contradictions his biography carries. The scene depicting the scrubbing of the Croatian flag with brushes offers an unambiguous interpretative key of this play: we must make sure to wipe off the stains from all our biographies and that of our country and to reexamine the belief in our own infallibility, both personal and national.