MONTAЖ$TROJ LIVE! was a music-stage project created for dance clubs and large concert halls. It was made in the cooperation of MONTAЖ$TROJ and the musician Hrvoje Crnić Boxer, which resulted in several maxi-singles and the music album DYNAMO. The choreography for an ensemble with 4 male and 4 female dancers linked sport movement, dance pop-trends from MTV and a kind of dance biomechanics. MONTAЖ$TROJ’s dancers in combination with Hrvoje Crnić Boxer’s music performance made a unique stage experience for 10.000 people in audience in Frankfurt.
In June 1992, just after Thompson's song "Čavoglave" with Dino Dvornik on the drums, and before Prljavo kazalište's song “Mojoj majci” – the music hit CROATIA IN FLAME resonated through the Eissporthalle hall in Frankfurt on the concert for the Croatian diaspora.
Direction and choreography: Borut Šeparović / Music: Hrvoje Crnić Boxer / Performers: Gordan Bosanac, Srećko Borse, Josipa Bronić, Damir Klemenić, Ivana Muller, Sinisa Pahić, Petra Senjanović, Jasna Vinovrški, Hrvoje Crnić Boxer / Production: MONTAЖ$TROJ