WHERE’S THE REVOLUTION SCUM? is a performance about an edited recording of the performance LMWCL which has been banned for copyright infringement. The performing collective of LMWCL – The Choir of Little People – consisted of the deprived members of the Croatian society: Old People, Dykes, Workers, Serbians, Women, Blacks… They sang against injustice and burgeoning fascism in the Croatian society. But pop-music didn’t become a tool that could directly cause social changes.
The performance LMWCL is gone. It’s repertoire of battle songs has been censored. The Choir of Little People has stopped in front of institutional obstacles – what is left are its digital remains.
WHERE’S THE REVOLUTION SCUM? is a performance about legal consequences of the attitude that music can be shared without any loss. The performance WHERE’S THE REVOLUTION SCUM? has been created under the pressure and discrepancy between the context of censorship mutilation and the self-censorship that turned into a new context. WHERE’S THE REVOLUTION SCUM? is a performance about vanity, hypocrisy, and inconsistency in the society that deems money its highest value.